So, that’s something I would

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So, that’s something I would

Post by bcdata »

You then create 20 different pages that target search phrases such as: tuxedo jackets in texas tuxedo jackets in austin tuxedo jackets in dallas Their sole purpose is to rank highly and serve as a doorway to your home page. Of course, this is cheating and may result in penalties How does all this relate to the central theme of this article? Well, if you heavily copy your own content, you can end up accidentally creating doorway pages.

So read Mueller’s final advice Lawyer Database carefully: “[Creating doorway pages] is essentially taking a piece of content and creating a ton of variations, just with different words in it, which is a violation of our webmaster guidelines. watch out for, and also something that you’re creating Saudi Arabia Email Data a ton of very low quality, I would almost say your site is spammy pages that are essentially like fluff that doesn’t provide any unique value overall.


I would recommend not diluting the content of your site like that, and instead focus on making the main content of your site stronger. […] So if you’re asking, does Google approve of [copying your own content], it’s like you can do whatever you want on your site, but that doesn’t mean Google will value it.
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